Monday, September 17

Some kind of bug

Shad woke up to sounds of choking last night and ran into the kids bedroom where he found that Kate had vomited ALL over the place. I walked in seconds later to a stench (got to love that sniffer during pregnancy - can you say magnify x100!) that was as foul as they come. Upon some sheet changing and pajama removing we realized the vomit was cold - and she had obviously been sleeping in it for some time. We went into divide and conquer mode - since it WAS 3am. I put Kate in the bath and Shad stripped the bed. It seemed the entire bottle of febreeze wasn't going to help the smell. GROSS!

I stayed home with Kate today - we had one close call where she almost lost it on my new work laptop. Otherwise she was good and she slept a lot. Both Shad and I agreed though we smelled the smell ALL day!

Hopefully tonight goes a little better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHHHHH,poor kate and you with that pregnant nose too!!! I hope you all have a better night!
Erin oxoxoxo