Wednesday, November 22

Exercising with Children

Literally...see for yourself!

Sunday, November 19

Strep hits home

Reilly has been miserable for a few days now. He was diagnosed with strep throat which apparently is "going around". He is also totally congested and doesn't know what to do with the pressure in his head - Shad thought of steaming up the bathroom, adding a humidifier, radio and some blankets might do the trick. It sure did!

Tuesday, November 14

Kate is Screaming Downstairs...

Shad: Reilly, what happened to Kate?
Reilly: I put her on the naughty step because I had to.

Poor Kate - she has two Dad's already.

Monday, November 13

My Cheetah Girl

She's got it all over Disney's Cheetah Girls - don't you think?

Saturday, November 11

What to do...

Reilly: Mom, when my guts get full, I take my finger and clean them out.
Mom: Show me what you mean.
Reilly takes his finger and wipes above his teeth and next to his cheek.
Mom: Those are gums, not guts.
Reilly: I thought I couldn't have gum till I'm ten.

Friday, November 10

No More Rhyming, I Mean It...

Anybody Want a Peanut?
Our version of a rhyme-

Hey Mrs Dunn
I'm all Done
Reilly's version of a rhyme-

When we tried to get him to respond by saying "No more rhyming, I mean it (again)- His reply was "Anybody want a peanut butter pretzel?"

We don't think he grasps the concept yet.

Thursday, November 9

Stair Luge

If you ever wondered why I am Mother of the Year - now you'll know.

Increasing Vocabulary

We have noticed over the course of the week that Kate's vocabulary has increased significantly, just today she said door, rain, light, and water. She does a faux whistle for the dog that is so cute.

Monday, November 6

Leave Me

Reilly and Shad hung out and did yard work while Kate and I went shopping (good chick thing to do) - this is a sampling of their yard work .

Thursday, November 2

Why do I think

that when I hide the Halloween candy from myself I won't just go and find it when I want it?