Friday, September 1

War of the Roses

How is it that a 4 year old can outwit a 37 year old. Either I'm "not bright" or he is very clever. I prefer to think of it as the latter - since everyone says he's exactly like me. Now that I think of it, perhaps that's the problem, we're too much alike.

We went from a discussion to an argument to an all out brawl with yelling. Yes, I know, I was yelling a 4-year old. But let me reassure you ALL my buttons were pushed in a way they had not been in so many years. Oh man, I think I'm in for a looooonnnnnngggg haul.

Shad and Kate were ref'ing, that didn't help matters.

1 comment:

Laureen said...

BWAHAHAHAHA! Amazing that they're genetically preprogrammed with the knowledge of the precise location of every button you ever thought about having, isn't it? And who knew a 4-year old could argue, with intent? =)