Sunday, January 8

Have some water with your formula

Kate nurses 1-2x/day. The rest of the time we supplement with formula. I think the formula for formula (lot of "fors" there, hunh?) is pretty straightforward. Well, this morning we dropped the kids at the nursery at the gym for an hour. I had prepared Kate's diaper bag with a bottle of water with four ounces in it, and a tube of formula powder with sharpie marker designating how much powder to use for 4 oz's of water. I had included 8 oz's worth of formula powder and half of the needed water.

An hour later we picked up the kids, Kate was having a bottle. When we got in the car I opened her bag, they had put all 8ozs worth of formula in the bottle with just 4 ozs of water. I'm suprised it even went thru the nipple - I would have thought it would have been almost a solid with that kind of concentration.

I think the formula paste acted as a form of a laxative - it's been a "fruitful" evening.

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