Tuesday, February 14

Valentines Day

Reilly and Kate had about 10 friends over on Monday for a Valentines Day party thanks to Nicole. She and a bunch of other women (who have left Reilly's former day care for the world of Nanny-hood) got together at our house with all their nanny kids. It's so cool they continue to get together since Reilly has been playing with a couple of the kids since we moved here 3 years ago.

I told Reilly he had to wear red - which he was agreeable to. He came downstairs with his new sweatpants on - black with red stripes down the side- and a maroon shirt. Okay, that's close enough. He is a boy afterall.

Today, since he was having a Valentines Day party at school, I again requested that he wear red. His reply "but I wore red yesterday". I explained that yesterday was a party and today was actually Valentines Day and it was important to wear red. His reply then was "well, can I wear orange instead?" I said, "no, it needs to be red". He agreed and said "Mommy, next time there is a Valentines Day, we can both wear orange."

I thought that sounded like a fine idea.

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