Monday, December 20

It's been too long -

So Reilly checked out his new ice skates this weekend. He asked and asked and asked to go play hockey with his cousins Mike and Patrick. After his first experience on the ice, I think the sport must have been overrated in his mind. With the skates and the snowsuit and the helmet and his least favorite, the gloves (aka mittens) - the whole experience was overwhelming. Not to mention that he could not walk nor skate. Poor guy. He asked for his boots the first time his legs came out from underneath him.

Well, we'll put those away until he asks to go again... :-)

Tuesday, December 7

Pajamas all day long

Pick your battles I say... so, if Reilly wants to wear his pajamas to day care, why not let him? So today he has on brown leather boots, jeans, and a truck pajama top. He looks great!