Sunday, February 26

If you could see what I hear...

Reilly has a little video player - it was playing the audio but not the video. He and I tested multiple discs - same thing - black screen but audio was playing. Reilly and I decided it was the batteries - so Reilly went and got the little box of screwdrivers and we started to open the back. Reilly then took the remaining screwdrivers from the box held them against my knee and said "Mommy, I want to screw you."

Climbing Everest

Kate climbed her Everest today. She went up the entire flight of stairs all by herself. I think once she got to the top it might have occurred to her the benefits of being carried. She seemed pretty tuckered.

As you can see from this photo she is working on her climbing and problem solving skills. Hopefully she doesn't continue to get so tangled up.

Saturday, February 25

Olympic Fever

With me being out a lot of this past week Reilly has had his fair share of the Olympic Games. He is getting used to the skiing, the hockey, the curling, etc. While Shad watched women's figure skating with Reilly the other night, Reilly asked Shad "Where is her guy?". Clearly, no one should be alone in his world. :-)

Friday, February 24

Not so flu-ridden

Shad and I finally went to the md because chills were getting more frequent with temperatures, coughs, aches and more. I have pneumonia and Shad is being treated for the flu and bronchitis. Well... hopefully the antibiotics will have us feeling better soon. I am supposed to be heading to California on Sunday, but it's not looking likely.

Wednesday, February 22


The whole family has the flu right now and it sucks. Shad, who gets sick so seldomly has a temp of 103 and feels miserable. I stayed home yesterday because Nicole was out sick too, and I'm home again today because I have caught whatever it is they all have. ICK. I rarely get sick - other than a cold a season but this year has been the exception. I have a temp of 101 and a headache and achiness that just won't go away. I suppose the nice thing about being an adult and being sick is you can identify what's bugging you - the kids on the other hand are just miserable. Reilly is hardly eating and Kate is just one big congestion cavity - poor thing.

I opened all the windows and doors and aired out the house today, hopefully it will help.

Sunday, February 19


Nandi, our border collie shepherd mix is very much a part of the family. Although the role I think she plays and the role she thinks she plays are likely two different things. I think she's the loyal, tolerant, fun-loving, energetic, always hungry, cheeseburger-eating dog. She, on the other hand, thinks she's Shad's wife. Odd, I know, but, when she lays down in her bed next to ours at night she gives a sigh like "hey lady, it should be you down here, not the one who watches the house all day long and deals with the kids pulling and crawling and smashing trucks into".

When I come home from work, she cordially comes up and head butts me, but I know it's just a courtesy b/c if I don't get in her way she's one step closer to going out with Shad for a walk or a run.

When I said to Shad "I think Nandi thinks she's the wife" he laughed pretty hard, but I could see he considered it - if even just for a second.

Friday, February 17

Dirty Socks

Kate has a fascination with Reilly's dirty socks. He often takes them off and leaves them wherever he happens to be standing at the time. Kate finds these random socks and thinks they're edible. No matter how dirty and disgusting - right to the mouth! It wouldn't do it for me, but we have found that her only point of stress is food - so I guess that makes sense in some distorted way.

Thursday, February 16

Potty Training Bribes

Reilly has figured out for the most part when his bladder is full - at least during the day. Naps, we've made progress on as well... the next feat to tackle is night time.

For five dry nap time pull-ups Reilly got to pick out a new book. We have agreed to a new set of Lego's for five dry nightime pull-ups. He's on #3 this week and is quite proud of himself. Yesterday as he laid next to me in bed, I said, "Is your pull-up dry?" and he smiled and said "yes" and followed up quickly with "there is one little drop of pee in there but it will dry and it's okay."

I said, "yes, that's okay."

Wednesday, February 15

Boppy Buddies

Kate and Reilly lay adjacent to one another in boppy's on my bedroom floor while I took a shower this morning. Kate was drinking a bottle and they were both watching Arthur on tv. Reilly, leaned over, kissed Kate on the forehead and said "I love you Kate, and you're my best friend."

I melted at that one.

Tuesday, February 14

Valentines Day

Reilly and Kate had about 10 friends over on Monday for a Valentines Day party thanks to Nicole. She and a bunch of other women (who have left Reilly's former day care for the world of Nanny-hood) got together at our house with all their nanny kids. It's so cool they continue to get together since Reilly has been playing with a couple of the kids since we moved here 3 years ago.

I told Reilly he had to wear red - which he was agreeable to. He came downstairs with his new sweatpants on - black with red stripes down the side- and a maroon shirt. Okay, that's close enough. He is a boy afterall.

Today, since he was having a Valentines Day party at school, I again requested that he wear red. His reply "but I wore red yesterday". I explained that yesterday was a party and today was actually Valentines Day and it was important to wear red. His reply then was "well, can I wear orange instead?" I said, "no, it needs to be red". He agreed and said "Mommy, next time there is a Valentines Day, we can both wear orange."

I thought that sounded like a fine idea.

Monday, February 13

Snow... Snow... Snow

We skiied with Reilly on Saturday. It was all man-made snow - the sky was blue and the ground was uncovered with the exception of the trails. It was our first day using the harness with Reilly - I think he really liked it. He was all smiles coming down the hill. I had estimated 2-3 runs for him - he did 5-6 before it was time to call it a day. Not bad. We try to leave when he's still happy that way it's always a good experience.

Sunday Shad and I boarded with friends in the exact opposite conditions. It dumped about a foot of snow and there was limited visibility - but it was fun fun fun!

Kate was hanging out with Nic and Babs are Target having chick time.

Saturday, February 11

Understanding of one's strengths

Downstairs Kate cries as she wakes up from her nap. Reilly, Shad and I are hanging out upstairs in our bedroom. We asked Reilly (joking of course) if he could go down and get Kate, his response was: "I'm really strong enough but I need Daddy to reach her and carry her up here."

Thursday, February 9

False Perceptions

Kate is now speaking in complete sentences.... or so she thinks. She carries on for about 30 seconds just making the do do do ma ma ma da da bo bo sounds and then looks me straight in the eye until I respond. I really think she believes we have accomplished something in these interactions.

Either way, it makes me smile. She is so cute!

Monday, February 6

Steelers 21 - Seahawks 10

We had about 25 people over for the game last night. Some into the game, some not so much so - more into the party than the reason for the party. So... no pools here. However, Shad had a pool at work, he bought us each two boxes in the grid for a total of $20. At the end of the game we realized that Shad had in fact won - $200! A welcome addition to our pocketbook, and a nice supplement to party expenses!

During breakfast this morning Nicole and I were talking, I told her Shad won the pool at work and we were excited about it. Shortly after Reilly said "Mom, did he bring his suit?". I had no idea what he was talking about - again he asked "Did Dad bring his suit to work?" Nicole said I think he's asking because you said that Shad won the pool - he thinks it's a swimming pool...

Sunday, February 5

Zach has come for a visit

Zach has come up over night to hang out with Reilly. There is a 10 year age discrepancy, which doesn't really seem to mind either of them. Although after too much play, when Reilly is getting hungry or tired and hasn't yet figured out how to communicate that - it's obvious there is a decade between them.

We went for a 90 minute hike today. Reilly spent most of the time on Shad's shoulders but Zack patiently tried to inspire Reilly to walk on his own. He did all right and is a pretty good negotiator.

Here is a photo of us (minus Dad).

The Fridge is Empty

Pretty much 10months to the day marks the end of breastfeeding for Kate and me. I am saddened by this more than I thought I would be. Although in some minds my excuses are just that excuses, but working full time, traveling, and living our family's lifestyle definitely posed it's challenges along the way. I felt married to my pump which I affectionately named "Ivan" - sometimes meeting with Ivan 7x/day. Fortunately we had over a months worth of milk stored up - so it we gained some extra time with that. But, now, after trying the fenugreek, support groups, lc support, llli support, the oatmeal, the reglan, and Ivan as much as I could stand I am accepting that is the end of our era. I hate to concede b/c it is far from my goal, but I don't feel another choice.

Kate is a happy baby which is great, she loves any and all food, so she's not picky when it comes to her mealtime. On the outside, she seems no worse for wear. Now, during those times that she and I would bond with bf, we'll just hang out together and visit.

Thursday, February 2

Little Daggers

As I sat there in the bathroom cutting Reilly's nails we talked about his truck book and all the pictures inside. I'm not the best manicurist so I was really trying to focus on the task at hand. The phone rang, it was for me. While I held Reilly's soft little hands and trimmed the nails onhis innocent little fingers and talked on the phone - Reilly gasped with excitement and happily said "good job Mommy, they are not bleeding this time".

I'm not proud.

Wednesday, February 1

Going for a Drive

Reilly's taking Kate for a little drive.