Sunday, October 9

6 Years In the Making

It's been 6 years since Shad and I married. It's been the best 6 years of my life. Today, around 9:30, while Kate and I were sleeping in the big bed, Shad and Reilly were downstairs making us girls a little breakfast. Around 9:45 Kate and I were greeted by Reilly and Shad who made us (me specifically, it would take hours before Kate would taste it :-)) bacon, scrambled eggs, pupcakes (aka pancakes) and syrup. It was pretty cool to have that in bed. Although, I should note, Reilly ate most of the bacon.

It was a Happy Anniversary!


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stacyo said...

Six years? It seems like yesterday I encouraged you to leave your card on his car...Congratulations and happy belated anniversary. Nice blog by the way. Some pictures would be nice...:-)