Monday, March 31

Who's the boss in your house?

We have a rule in the minivan (yes for those of you who don't know... the MINIVAN) if the ride is longer than an hour we can use the dvd player. (okay, and sometimes when I'm tired of listening...I turn it on for some peace and quiet)
"Dad, can we watch Cars"
"Let's ask Mommy when she gets here"
"Dad, is Mommy the boss of the van?"
"Ummm... Mommy's the BOSS of everything"
Well, that would be more fun if it were true. Worth a chuckle nonetheless.

Sunday, March 30

Hello Fashion Police

Someone in this photo desperately needs your help!

Wednesday, March 26

Happy Easter

Kate opted to give her Easter outfit her own personality hence opting out of the traditional patten leather shoes and Easter hat.

Thursday, March 13

How long do we have birthdays?

Reilly, Kate and I were having a discussion about birthdays this morning.

R: Mom, are you all done having birthdays?
M: No, birthdays happen every year.
K: All the time?
M: Yes, all the time.
R: So.... when you don't have birthdays anymore you will be dead?

Hunh... I guess that's true - in a morbid way - yet that's how a child can understand it.

Wednesday, March 12

...can't hear you....

Last night Kate and I went on a trip to Target... just the two of us. On the way home we had this conversation:

Mom, I'm going to take my shoes off.
Kate, we're almost home, why don't you leave them on.
No, I'm going to take them off.
Kate, please leave them on.
I'm taking them off.
Kate, listen to my words.
I'm listening but I can't hear you talking.

I guess I lost that one - it's a bit like "You had me at hello". How do I respond to that?

Sunday, March 9

Bumbo Virgin

Hey everyone look at Shea sitting up in a Bumbo chair for the very first time. Isn't it neat, hey Kate check it out... ummmm, excuse me, who is the guy in the background and what is he doing in our house?

Saturday, March 1

Learn to Skate Kate

Kate was a tagalong today at Reilly's learn to skate class. Since it is the end of vacation week and we're in the middle of a snowstorm we thought it might be quieter than normal at class today. It was and Kate had the opportunity to follow in her brothers footsteps... sort of.