Friday, February 29

What's a Tard?

Kate repeatedly asked me this morning where her tard was? I was perplexed, confused and not wanting to assume what a Tard was. After much prodding and prying she committed that it was for her ballet class. Ahhhhhh.... a leoTARD, she doesn't realize there is a leo in her tard. :-)

Wednesday, February 27

Who Knew?

Who knew that you could love three kids in such different ways. I'm learning more and more about my kids every day and I adore them more and more every day. Kate makes me laugh all the time. She is stubborn and independent but incredibly unique and optimistic. Last week as we sat in my bedroom at Grampa's she blurted out, "I really like the pictures in here, especially that one" as she pointed to a pencil drawing of eskimos doing a circle dance. She is always so proud of herself for her accomplishments whether it's taking a nap, finishing a glass of milk, pulling on her pants or going poop in the potty. In her way, she's inspirational and her attitude is contagious to those around her. I admire her so much.

Reilly, now he's the most sensitive and caring old soul I have ever met. He has concern for everyone and everything and is always looking forward for what is next. People say it's because he's the first child, I believe his traits are more than that. He's compassionate and has an amazing sense of humor. He wants to spend all his time creating things, making things or acting out some character he has seen in a book, on tv or someone he wants to be. He is curious to learn - but mostly through other people. He wants us to read to him, to spell words so he can write them, he wants to play UNO or TRASH all the time and wants to make the rules flex to suit his current hand. He's an amazing boy now, he's no longer just my little guy - he's my friend.

As for Shea... I'm learning more about her with each passing day. Right now, we exchange smiles and I love to listen to her coo and try to laugh. As I sang to her in Church last week, she sat in her car seat and smiled... the woman behind me said, "I just watched you sing to your baby... and the way she looked at you was.... indescribable". That was so awesome...

Tuesday, February 26

Reilly knows Fashion

This morning Reilly and Kate asked for some cereal. Reilly asked for Krispies and Kate wasn't sure, so we went thru the list:
Peanut Butter Puffins?
Gorilla Munch?
Honey Comb? (purchased at about month 5 of pregnancy on a whim and most likely VERY stale)

I pull the box out of the pantry and reach my hand in to find a rolled up bag with not even enough cereal for a bowl full. As I am pulling it out Reilly says "that's real fashion cereal". Confused, I said, "it's what?" Real Fashion cereal Mom... although he could not explain what he meant - he implied that it was the kind other people had.

I thought it was a pretty cute expression "Real Fashion" as opposed to??

Sunday, February 24

Communication without Words

We are trying to keep Shea up to help her adjust back to the East Coast time vs West Coast - I have enlisted Shad's help on this. I really, selfishly, want to go back to sleeping through the night as we had been prior to the trip. No she's sleeping the same amount of simultaneous hours, they just don't overlap my sleeping hours - so we're trying to refine.

In our efforts Shad opted for tummy time - we wondered how long it would last. Oh, I'd say about one minute although we tried for two. Shea let Shad know that this was unacceptable to her. She screamed at him and he tried to talk to her - she had nothing to do with that. He gave her a pacifier, she talked to him from behind the silicon with an angry tone. He tried the swing and turned it up, she got wide eyed and continued her grunts and groans.... better him than me!

I am Dumb

or so my children seem to think. Most everything that Reilly discusses with me I am wrong, he actually knows the answer - his version of the right answer. I'm finding that Kate is adopting this style as well.

Tonight we were driving home from skiing and there is a house that we pass which recently burned. Reilly asked "where is the burned house?" I said "it's not on this road, it's on the next road, Old Wilton Road". He replied, "No, it's on this road, it's coming up", I repeated my earlier reply. He said "no.... it's coming up Mom, you'll see".

He was wrong, it was right where I had said.

Just the latest example, I think I'll add more as they happen.

Friday, February 22

Mom Always Said

"Don't play ball in the house"

Well, we weren't throwing a ball we were throwing Kate.

Then of course Reilly wanted to play too!

Saturday, February 16


While in the car after hours and hours of traveling...

Shad: Shea smells
Me: Yah, she needs a bath.
Reilly: What does she smell like?
Kate: Like grapes or something? or maybe apples?

Ahhhh, yah Kate... that's it. Grapes or Apples.

Wednesday, February 6

"I Just..."

Kate's favorite words. No matter what you say to her, if it's something she doesn't like or didn't want to hear, her first response is... "I just...". For example:

Kate, please don't step on the dog.
I just walking on her.

Kate, please give Reilly back his car.
I just using it.

Kate, please stop touching Shea's head.
I just feeling it.

Kate, can you please get up in your carseat?
I just looking at Reilly's.

Kate, can you please go potty.
I just can in a minute.

It's her world... we're all just living in it with her.

Tuesday, February 5

SuperBowl Blues...

Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. There's always next year.

Saturday, February 2

A Picture

is worth 1000 words...

Friday, February 1


According to MerriamWebster : continuing or following without interruption.

The word defines Kate... she talks incessantly. Those of you who know us knows that she takes after her Dad. I am so soft spoken and shy that I know it is his trait. ahem

Anyway, she talks and talks and talks whether you are paying any attention to her or not. If you are talking to someone else she just chooses a few words from yours to repeat and try to become part of the conversation.

Another approach she has happened this morning, it went like this:

Kate: "Reilly"
Kate: "Reilly"
Kate: "Reilly"
Kate: "Reilly, answer me"
Kate: "Reilly Andrew, I'm talking to you, answer me"
Reilly: "What Kate"
Kate: "Ummmm, ahhhhh, I don't know"