Thursday, May 31
Tuesday, May 29
Saturday Night Lights
This photo isn't the best, it was with the phone and in low light. But... you get the energy.
On Saturday night we went to our first hockey game with the kids. It was part of the Calder Cup playoffs. The game had fireworks, loud music, it was dark to kick it off, and the kids hated the first 15 minutes. Kate conceded after a little bit and accepted that she was going to watch the game with us, from my lap. Reilly got involved once he got to see the Zamboni's and he was featured on the big screen dancing in between periods. Shad and I were excited they transitioned so we got to see the whole game. It was the first time in a long time we have actually had to pay to go to a hockey game. Bummer.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Wednesday, May 23
Smirking all the way
Reilly came home from school yesterday and came to me with the biggest smirk on his face, and something behind his back. I looked at him, smiled, and said, "hi... why are you smiling so much?, What are you up to?" With even a bigger grin, he brings his hidden treasure out from behind his back....
I said "what is..." and before I could finish, he said "these are the people I want to invite to my birthday party".
Funny thing is, his birthday isn't for a while. He had all these little guys sign this sheet, and he came home and read the names to me and told me why they should be there.
I'm not sure how I can say no. Then again, I'm not sure why this exercise took place.... several months prematurely. :-)
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Friday, May 18
Hiatus.... or Vacation
Reilly and I headed to San Fran on the 5th for two weeks. I spent a week working and during that week Dad and Kate joined us. So, the four of us have been hanging out at Grandma and Papa's - swimming in the pool and playing in the yard. It's been a week of little computer use, hence my absence. Give me a couple days and I'll be back with a recap.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Saturday, May 12
Happy Mother's Day
On Mother's Day we trekked over to the beach to take a photo of the kids, the big kids and the whole family (including the outlaws like me) to give "Papa" for his birthday. This is one of the photo's that struck me - mainly because of the bug on Kate's forehead, the consumption of sand by Grace and the obvious biting bug on Ella's neck - of course Rye is posing!
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Betsy Hansen
Sunday, May 6
I know how to spell....
seatbelt buckle without looking. Reilly said to me on the plane yesterday. I said great, let's hear it.
I smiled and said, good job, that actually spells "lift" and together we looked at the word on the buckle. I explained that it was telling him how to take his seatbelt off. He thought that was pretty cool.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Friday, May 4
Kleenex and Chapstick
Got to love those "brand names" that are generic.
Why are kids fascinated with these things? I recall when Reilly went through the phase, he was just like Kate. He used the tissue, shredded it, and threw it on the floor. When you looked at him you would see that he really just moved the subject matter around, he didn't really get any of it in the tissue. Kate has begun taking on the same fascination - today I found mucus up over her eyebrows and it was dragged down under her chin. I had to bust out the wipes to clean that one up.
As for the chapstick. I recall Reilly wanting to apply it all the time - it pretty much always missed his lips. Kate... well, she ate half of a tube of Blistex last weekend. Good thing she doesn't know this stuff comes in flavors! I can only imagine, it would take the place of a meal.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen