Saturday, March 31
Friday, March 30
Beside Myself
When we arrived at Reilly's school today he was pretty adamant that he did not want to go. I tried to be patient by giving him an extra couple minutes in the car with Kate. I walked his bag and lunchbox upstairs, and gave his teachers a heads-up that he was having a tough morning. I got back out to the car, spoke with him for a couple minutes. We didn't make much progress. I actually had to lift him out of the car and bring him to the door. He screamed NO three times at the door. I brought him inside and stood with him for a minute - the tears started to come. His teachers were trying to encourage him to go upstairs to see his friends, he sobbed more. One of them came down and picked him up so I could get out to Kate and the car. He was sad, but it was KILLING me... I got in the car with Kate who saw Reilly crying through the glass door which made her bottom lip pop out and she kept saying "Rei-yee" "Rei-yee cwying" Rei-yee sad until she finally couldn't speak anymore because she too began to cry.
It Friday's so Kate and I had Mommies an Me - she soon forgot about Reilly's morning trauma when she saw all her friends. I called Shad and had him check-in while Kate and I were at class and I checked in afterward. He was just fine....
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Wednesday, March 28
How Do You Spell Kate's Name?
Reilly was arranging the letter magnets on the fridge. He asked
How do you spell Kate's name?
I got that one already
Okay, you don't have to tell me anymore.
Mom, whate comes after T?
Okay, I got it.
Kate this is how you spell your name.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Sunday, March 25
I can do anything...
Except move the earth. I can't move the earth because I'm not Superman. I'm just a kid.
- Reilly
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Saturday, March 24
While you were out...
I was away for work last week and a couple things occurred. Reilly's cast got soaked and needed to be replaced - these were the photos I received via the phone:
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Thursday, March 15
Spring has Sprung
Well... sort of... it is supposed to get cold again today. But I noticed when I let the dog out this morning I could hear birds chirping - which aside from the owls in our backyard, I have not heard too many birds over the past several weeks. I also noticed two flies, that appeared to be in drunken stupor but I really think they just weren't "all there" yet. They are just flying around and crashing into things - those reactions to avoid a swinging hand just aren't there yet.
Look at Tate today.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Wednesday, March 14
K is for Tate
That's what Kate thinks her name is: Tate
When the kids came home today I was in my office, this is the brief conversation I overheard:
Reilly: Kate!
Kate: What Ryeree
Reilly: There will be no farting in this house.
Kate: K.
Oh yah, you would think we drove our home around with those types of remarks.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Tuesday, March 13
Y is for Why
I'm not that illiterate but if you know what a DLH is then you know how I could make that deliberate spelling error.
Anyway Y is for "WHY I AM MOTHER OF THE YEAR". The morning in our house kind of goes like this - I let the dog out, run downstairs, put frozen waffles in toaster, make juice cups and put smoothies out - all while I am simultaneously making the kids lunches. Once this is complete I go upstairs, sing to the kids to wake them up - Reilly usually tells me to stop singing or just and outright, be quiet.I get Kate out of her crib, get her dressed, get clothes out for Reilly and help him get dressed - b/c of his leg. I tell him he is racing Kate to the kitchen table and that inspires him to get downstairs quickly and I don't need to carry
him. He says "I won Mom" and then I bring Kate down to eat.
Once they are eating I go in the garage, start the car and open the garage door. I need to get it warmed up and heated prior to the kids getting in the car.
Then I rush them to get in the car and head off to school. All of this takes place in 30 minutes or less.
Today, like any other day, Reilly told me to be quiet, Kate asked for a waffle, the dog went out, yada yada yada. I drop Reilly off at school, I then drop Kate off, and then I usually call a friend to say good morning. During that call today it occurred
to me that Reilly wassnackchild at school and I neglected to bring the snack. Reilly and I have been waiting since December to be snack child because as snackchild, not only do you lead most of the morning routine you get a show and tell too. Reilly had a photo story book his Grandmother made him that we have been hanging onto since it was published - December to share with his class. I thinksnackchild is like being class president for the day - you are the head honcho - the cat's meow, you're where it's at!
As Mother of the Year, you now know, I forgot the snacks, I forgot the book and since I was late dropping Reilly off to begin with - the whole class had to delay snack time until I appeared with the goods. On top of that, I had to then run home and get the book, and bring it back to school. Who the heck wants to be the loser Mom and better yet, who wants to disappoint a four-year old!
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Sunday, March 11
R is for Raise Your Hand
I was driving the other day and Shad was in the passenger seat - the kids were behind us. Reilly created this little survey - into market research like his Mom... this is how he conducted his survey:
Reilly Raise your hand if you know how to dog paddle.
Shad, Reilly and I raised our hands.
Reilly Raise your hand if you like cake and ice cream.
Shad Reilly and I raised our hands.
Reilly Raise your hand if you like the Power Rangers.
Shad and I left our hands down... seconds passed... silence... then "Hey, how come I am the only one."
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
P is for Proud
Kate pee'd on the potty for the first time today. She was so proud of herself - and announced it to the whole family.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Saturday, March 10
B is for birthday parties
Reilly has been to so many lately - here's todays. (He's on the floor in the middle, you can't even tell that he's got a broken leg!
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Friday, March 9
F is for Fundraiser
This isn't really about the kids, but I'm doing a fundraiser for the Vermont Special Olympics next weekend. It's a 6 hour spinning marathon. So, we're rallying to Burlington next weekend to support this effort. I'm fortunate to have very supportive co-workers and a supportive company that matches their contributions. If you want to see how I'm doing, or donate, check out this page:
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Monday, March 5
S is for Smile
Reilly has been doing so well handling his injury, Kate on the otherhand has identified his range and tortures him on every occasion. He went to a birthday party on Saturday and all the lil guys signed his cast as you can see.
He is at school today - we're hoping he does okay.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Friday, March 2
W is for Walker
and P is for Poop - which Kate just did in the tub. AND, W is for walker which Reilly is maneuvering around quite well. He has a bowling birthday party tomorrow that he's got his heart set on so that will be his first encounter with his friends since he got his cast. We'll see how that goes. He's pretty uncomfortable still so hopefully it will be a distraction.
Oh, and for those of you asking for a photo... I'll get to it this weekend.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Thursday, March 1
C is for Cast
Which is blue... like a Power Ranger, of course.
We met with the ortho md yesterday. Thankfully b/c of Shad's relationship with the practice we got in as soon as we could get over there. A spiral fracture of the tibia, it should be fine they say. His cast goes up almost to his groin, it's non-weightbearing and he has a pediatric walker to get around.
His school is hesitant to tell me whether he can be there. Isn't there an ADA law on this sort of thing? If he's relatively mobile (aside from the stairs and the toilet) do they not need to accommodate him? I guess I'll learn quickly...
Anyway, more importantly, he's in some pain still, and he really just wants Dad - who is at work. Kate is beside herself because the attention has been diverted slightly.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
X is for X-Ray
Reilly was skiing with Shad this afternoon at the little ski slope down the street. Reilly is skiing with a harness on and Shad in tow. On a flat section Reilly tumbled and hurt his leg. I figured it wasn't good when Shad mentioned he took him to the ski patrol first aid. Although it didn't swell or bruise immediately, Shad and the ski patrol person thought it best to take a picture and rule out a bone break.
When Shad got Reilly in the truck to head home, Reilly fell right asleep. I went to pick-up Kate from daycare - when I returned Reilly was laying on the couch... quietly. Two things he isn't normally doing at the hour.
After looking at his leg, and talking to him, I felt it was important to get an x-ray. Everytime he moved, he whimpered, I think he's in some pain.
Just moments after being in the ER, I just knew in my gut it was broken even though every symptom we found on the web he didn't have. I wasn't sure who was more upset about the whole thing though. Shad was clearly bothered. The x-rays came back and Reilly has a spiral fracture of his tibia.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen