Being Lonely
Mom, when I was little last year I wanted to have a baby that would live with me and be my friend so I wouldn't be lonely and I would have someone to play with. Then I got Kate.
Mother of the Year is the cyber baby book. I don't make or take the time to keep one of these hardback cutesy Hallmark things, so I take a few minutes each week to update "MOTY". I am learning how to be a full-time Mom, a full-time marketer and a full-time wife all while still being true to me. Oh, it will be a fun ride!
Mom, when I was little last year I wanted to have a baby that would live with me and be my friend so I wouldn't be lonely and I would have someone to play with. Then I got Kate.
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/27/2007 0 comments
Reilly found his first geocache this weekend. It was a kid friendly one about 6/10's of a mile from our house. He thought that was the coolest thing that he found it, although I have to admit he and Shad kind of fought about who actually carried the gps and followed the arrow. I'm not even going to say who won.... :-)
Regardless, I filled out the notebook, Reilly picked a Jeep with a caching dog tag and we left a JavaOne Shaker. I have decided to leave JavaOne schwag from this point on. I'm going to be checking out the booths this year to get good LITTLE trinkets to start sprinkling about.
Reilly is so proud of himself and is looking forward to the next one where he can leave the Jeep and I can leave another shaker and he marvels at the possibilities of what might be awaiting him at the next one.
Woo hoo!
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/25/2007 0 comments
So we had friends over tonight for dinner and to watch LOST. During dinner, Reilly picked up his shirt and pointed to his nipple, I asked him what he was doing.
What is this called? (pointing to his nipple)
Mine are Little... you have big ones of these.
pause and giggle at the table
I have another one, where is it?
"It's on the other side"
Pick up your shirt Mom, let me see yours.
"No Reilly..."
I suppose that is where the expression "Out of the Mouths of Babes" comes from.
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/21/2007 1 comments
It was his first solo run at Carnival Hill - we were so proud of him for wanting to give it a go on his own. We expected to be sledding for 30 minutes, we were there for over an hour.
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/19/2007 0 comments
Today was a crappy day at work, and as the day went on, it proceeded to go downhill - Reilly, who I believe is an old soul said-
"Mom, Are you sad? Why are you sad? I can fix it for you and make you feel better."
"It's magic, it's inside me, if you are just very quiet and you listen you can hear the magic and it will make you happy again"
.... silence .... (obviously Kate was not in the room or we would not have been afforded that luxury)
"Did you hear it... do you feel better?"
I'm not sure what it was but... sure, I feel better just listening to the logic of a four year old. It all just made so much sense to him so who am I to question. I often think we have children to keep us grounded.
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/15/2007 2 comments
Do you think if Kate brings me one bib, she is hungry? And if I take that one bib and she brings me three more, should I make her some lunch? I think so. Gotta go...
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/14/2007 0 comments
Mom, Kyle can fluff with his armpit, can you do that?"
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/05/2007 0 comments
Grandma Kasey took this photo with her phone over the weekend - I think it's an amazing photo of the Queen Mary 2 going under the Golden Gate. (the largest ship in history to do so)
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/05/2007 2 comments
Okay... so maybe not so much. But, don't they look good together? I'm so thankful he has such a good sense of humor.
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/03/2007 0 comments
A few of the comments tonight that I thought were funny:
Reilly: Why are you stretching your shirt?
Nannie: To make it fit.
Reilly: Because you're fat?
Nannie: Yes, but I'm pretty, right?
Reilly: Right.
Reilly: Dad, are we going fast?
Daddy: We're going 30 miles per hour.
Reilly: How fast is 30 miles per hour?
Reilly: Kate, what color is green?
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/02/2007 0 comments
Kate's boyfriend "Kiss" - little does she understand he is almost three decades older than her and married. Tough nut to crack!
Posted by Betsy Hansen at 2/02/2007 0 comments