Saturday, September 30

Why Rocks?

While doing laundry today I discovered, after hearing "tink tink tink" and emptying my washing machine tub, that Reilly had acquired two full pockets of rocks. I have no idea when they became part of his day, perhaps it was on his apple picking field trip, but clearly they had been with him most of the day. I can't imagine that was very comfortable. Hmmmm... whatever.

Thursday, September 28

Van Gogh or Van No

Reilly, Kate and Nicole did this painting together, isn't it the coolest?

Wednesday, September 27

Project Runway

You know... it's all about fashion. Reilly's quest to be a Power Ranger and dress in single colors and my occasional insertion to have his attire be something that I coordinated and picked out. We have resorted to choosing our clothes the night before just to be more efficient in the morning since this is NOT a simple process. Well, this morning when I finally got Reilly to get out of bed he fixated on his SpiderMan socks - the socks that he got for his birthday last month which he has not yet worn. So.. he's upstairs weeping b/c there are tags attached. He later requests that I remove the tag. No problem I say, bring them down when you're ready. About 15 minutes later he shows up NAKED with the socks in his hands. Who the heck knows what he was doing all this time but this has eliminated the possibility for a sit down breakfast. It's another meal in the car...

Over the next 20 minutes we finally got dressed and got our shoes on. As usual we were 5 minutes late for school and he arrived with breakfast in his hands. On the way I asked "Reilly what can I do to make mornings more fun or make them better for everyone?" His reply, "Oh Mom.... I just don't know."

Monday, September 25

Ribbit - HELP - Ribbit - HELP

As you can see, if you look closely, there is a mad dash to get away from my children. Way to hold Kate back Reilly! :-) Surely if we lived in Calaveras County and Mark was there, this would have had a much more involved meaning!

Saturday, September 23

Mom, I just hurt

the wrist of my foot. (aka ankle)

Wednesday, September 13

Lil Pele

Reilly had his first official soccer practice for the U6 soccer league. This instructional league is for 3-6 year old kids, they are all on one team and they rotate thru stations for a 90 minutes. About half of the stations are little 4v4 games. Reilly loved his "New England Revolution" uniform and loved that he could be thirsty every 47 seconds. Here is a photo of him on his first day, note the pinney being upside down and where he is in relation to the game/ball.

Tuesday, September 12


Yup, that would be Kate. Within 48 hours of the fingertip removal, Kate found a way to fall down an entire flight of stairs, zip her forehead in a sweatshirt, and jump out of her crib. Oh, I'm learning, she is NOT conservative like her big brother. Oh man, we are going to have some interesting days ahead.

Thursday, September 7

Lotta blood - lotta blood

Have you ever wondered why I have the self-appointed title of Mother of the Year? Have you ever questioned my status? Let me reassure you - today was a day that I earned the title and any self-respecting mother who has been there, would agree.

We began our morning at 6:40am, I brought Kate into my room and gave her some milk. Reilly, I knew wouldn't be far behind - he WOULD be behind, but not that far. At 7:00 he arrived. We got dressed and went downstairs to have some breakfast, while they began eating, I began packing lunches. During those few minutes I thought to myself, they are going to be gone all day, I should sit with them and visit. So, I did. For a second. And, in that second, I looked at Kate and saw her long nails, which also looked dirty. I thought "ha, I could cut them while she eats - she wouldn't be able to get away from me, since she is in a highchair". I went and got the clippers, clipped nail #1, no problem. I went for nail #2 and it was a bit tougher, I repositioned and started to clamp down. At that very moment, I knew what I had done, and Kate whailed to let me know. I had cut off the tip of her finger. She screamed, blood started oozing and Reilly's eyes filled. I started to apologize to Kate and took her out of her highchair. The blood just kept coming. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her finger to try to slow the blood. It wasn't working. I held it ther for a couple minutes - up in the air. She wasn't crying anymore but was mad I had control of her arm. After about 15 minutes, and applying about 6 bandaids that did little more than nothing, I called the md. They recommended I take her to the ER to get a stitch. I felt so badly, I didn't want to put her through that. I asked if they could just look at it first. They agreed.

Reilly insisted on joining us at the md and he was a big help. I carried Kate and a towel, he carried keys and my purse. :-) Upon investigating the doctor was fairly certain he could contain the bleeding. And, in about 10 minutes, he did. He then wrapped Kate's little finger with a non stick pad, gauze, ointment, and tape. Her poor little hand looked so sad, and I felt so bad knowing that I caused this whole thing.

Tonight Reilly and I were sitting on the farmers porch, I looked at his nails and half jokingly said "ooooh, we need to cut your nails, look how long they are." He replied "no way Mom, I don't want you to cut my nails, they are fine."

Kate on the other hand was no worse for the wear and it didn't effect her ability to play. Tonight she had a bath and she again was not phased. I suppose again, I was the most upset about the situation.

The First Day of the First Grade...

That's a Veggie Tales Song - When Billy Joe McGuffery was a blah blah blah blah blah - something like that. Anyway, they aren't really in first grade, but here is a cute photo of their first day of "school".

I found the lyrics if you're interested.

Wednesday, September 6

Should I be the one crying?

Today was the first day of school for both Reilly and Kate. After 14 months with Nicole as a best buddy, it was time for them to socialize with children their own age. One would think this would be a very difficult thing for them to endure, but instead I was the one who had the most trouble with it. Reilly began preschool full time at an early learning center that we reserved months and months ago for him. He is going from 8:30-5 everyday with the exception of Friday. Kate, who has never been exposed to such a program will be in Toddler 1 at her daycare (different program than Reilly).

We got up this morning, had breakfast, got dressed and made our way out the door at 8:25 - he needed to be there for 8:30. When we arrived there were so many little kids with their parents taking pictures and being dropped off for the first day. Reilly looked out the window and said "Look at all my new friends". With that remark I understood that this was the right environment and the right time for him.

Then there is Kate... she went in, on my hip when I dropped Reilly off. When I was helping to get him situated with his new cubby and his lunch bag and his book bag, I had to put her down. I retrieved her on my way out - much to her dismay. She wanted to stay. After a short car ride we were at her new destination. I arrived, once again, in chaos - a different kind of chaos. One little guy had gotten bitten by another child - we were not greeted by any of the staff - aside from one person. Kate was not welcomed with open arms - she just clenched my shoulder with her little hands. It felt bad, really bad. I'm familiar with this center and saw that pretty much everyone on staff was tending to the injury, but I found it inexcusable that no one was there to welcome us aside from a stare. I put Kate's stuff on the counter and put her on the floor and she just stared at me, unsure of the whole situation - but not nearly as unsure as I was feeling. I'm thankful that Nicole is working there part time otherwise, I'm not sure I could have left her there. I put her on a toy and left shortly thereafter. She seemed okay with that.

Fast forward to 5pm, Shad and I picked them both up, Kate first and then Reilly. Kate was outside on the playground when we arrived - there were 3 staff out there talking amongst themselves and a handful of children playing. Kate was enjoying all the toys. I went up behind her and said softly "hi" and she turned with sand all over her dress and face and smiled. I extended my arms for the hug that I needed, she smiled and took off. Obviously she didn't need it too. Reilly was next, he was happy and excited to tell us he wanted a Power Ranger backpack like a new friend had. He is quite good at making requests. All and all, I think I was the only one that was worse for wear.... they both seemed to find their new environments better than I.

Friday, September 1

War of the Roses

How is it that a 4 year old can outwit a 37 year old. Either I'm "not bright" or he is very clever. I prefer to think of it as the latter - since everyone says he's exactly like me. Now that I think of it, perhaps that's the problem, we're too much alike.

We went from a discussion to an argument to an all out brawl with yelling. Yes, I know, I was yelling a 4-year old. But let me reassure you ALL my buttons were pushed in a way they had not been in so many years. Oh man, I think I'm in for a looooonnnnnngggg haul.

Shad and Kate were ref'ing, that didn't help matters.