Thursday, August 31

I love you to...

the moon and the weeds and the sun and back

Thanks Reilly!

Sunday, August 27

Growing Up So Fast...

My little princess.... (thanks for capturing Greg!)

Thursday, August 24


When will Kate get to use toothpaste like me?"

He just thinks so much!

Wednesday, August 23

Last Weekend with Nicole...

This past weekend was the kids last weekend with Nicole as our Nanny. It's sad for our family - perhaps we are all due for a change. It was the one weekend Nicole worked and we went with Ali and Chris (aka Sam) up North. On Friday we stayed with my brother and his family and did a triathlon on Saturday morning. Later that day we headed up to North Conway and stayed in a great hotel at the base of Cathedral Ledge. On Sunday, Ali, Chris, Shad and I got up and rode in the Mount Washington Century Ride - it was tough to rally for because it was raining so hard.

Nicole hung out with the kiddos while we did this and we joined up in the late afternoon to hang out again. It was so great to have her with us and have the kids be a part of this weekend. I think the whole household will be going thru withdrawals when Nicole is no longer part of our daily regimen. I know that Kate will miss her morning snuggles and Reilly will miss his best playmate.

It is with bittersweet feelings the kids will be going to school full time and daycare. As with every situation there is some good and some not so good.

We will miss her.

Monday, August 21

What's in your shoes?

While playing at "Jack's Place" the other day with Kate, Brenna and Connor Reilly got some of the wood chips from the ground in his sandals. He then went to the bathroom with Shad, while in there he said "Dad, I have to empty all the chipmunks out of my shoes."

Wednesday, August 16

My Penis has to go potty...

Which was stated at 7:30pm while swimming in a pond with a life vest on - the restroom was clearly 10 minutes away from that situation. Thankfully he made it.

Saturday, August 12

Turning FOUR!

Reilly turned 4 this past weekend. He has grown so much over the last year and believes that he is now a red Power Ranger. I stopped fighting the whole Power Ranger thing - I am not a fan. The advice I got from my sister in law was "Give in and it will pass much quicker". So rather than deprive Reilly.... I caved. Reilly has Power Ranger underwear, pajamas, shirts, socks, lunch box, action figures, coloring book and I'm sure more.

Let's hope my SIL was right. :-)

Thursday, August 10

New Words and Noises - See if you know what they are

Dank ewe
Rei - yee
Na knee
scews me
wuf wuff
ba bye
bay bee

Monday, August 7

Mom, what are those DENTS in your face?

Ah, thanks Reilly, those would be wrinkles, thanks for pointing them out.

Saturday, August 5

Mom, I have a new name for Kate -


We had just read Puss in Boots for our bedtime story. His rational "the King's best friend was his pussycat, so his was Kate." She could be his pussy.

I told him that was so nice but I thought we should just stick to Kate.