Wednesday, June 21

What it's like to be a Power Ranger

As I was taking a shower in the early morning the other day Reilly awoke and came into my bathroom in his Power Ranger pajamas that appear to be 2 sizes too small - or just super trendy since his mid section is exposed. He was frustrated that a pacifier he was using for one of his dolls (that was Kates) was no longer in his bed. I explained that when he was asleep the night before I removed the pacifier and put it on the shelf and when I got out of the shower I would get it for him. Relieved, he agreed and went away. A few minutes later he returned, stood outside the shower and enthusiastically told me that he climbed up on the stool and the shelves and got the pacifier himself. I said, wow, I'm glad that you're okay, I told you I would get it for you when I was done. He then ripped open the shower curtain and said "Mom, I wont' get hurt, I'm a POWER RANGER, see?".

Of course, how did I not know....

Tuesday, June 20

Walking around

Kate is walking around - finally. She tentatively steps across the room although she still knows it's much quicker in her world to crawl from one thing to the next.

Monday, June 19

Todays Question

Why do we have a sister?

Sunday, June 18

Why does that truck

have 2 doors instead of 4? Is it because they don't have kids like us?

Tuesday, June 13


Kate is in love with her brother. She constantly calls him by his name, her version of it anyway. It's amazing that after all he does to her - take away her toys, sit on her, lecture her, etc that she is still so INTO him. It's so cool.

Her words right now are:
NO (of course)
Ma (yes in that order)
Kak Kak
Nigh Nigh

Friday, June 9

Jack's Place

My sister Kate and her husband Mike did such a cool thing this past weekend. They lost their 18mos old son suddenly 4 years ago this month. Over time, as part of the healing, they continue to do positive things for other people and just in general. I think the giving of themselves is true to who they are, and I also think it helps remind them that they were not put on this earth to be punished in some cruel way. I think the path they lead is a path of giving and of sharing, giving an ear, giving an opinion, sharing a story, or a laugh, cry or smile. They meet this path with enthusiasm.

This past weekend was the gift of a playground in the memory of their son, Jack. It's the most amazing playground - not really because of what you see when you cross through the gate but more because of what you don't see. You don't see that 4 women put their heads together with the help of a few outsiders whose job it was to have a playground. You don't see that dozens of friends and family got together on one of the worst days this year to build this amazing place and you don't see the people who showed up with their children in the rain to be part of the dedication. This symbol and this story have reached so far and touched so many - Kate and Mike should be so proud of themselves. From an amazing little boy, to an amazing playground from an amazing family.

Swing High, Slide Fast and Play Hard. It's as simple as that.

Tuesday, June 6

Bulemia is not the answer...

Kate is constantly chewing her fingers these days because she is teething. While driving the other night she was chomping away and then Shad and I heard her gag reflex kick in. We were certain there was digorge given the noise, I turned around to find that she was just sitting there - although it was dark, there was no sign of residual. Shad and I continued talking and then it wafted my way - the stench was an overwhelming smell of vomit. I turned on the car light only to find Kate covered in half chewed, somewhat processed Annies pasta shells. I looked at her and she had this huge grin that said "ahhhh, I feel so much better."

Shad and I bargained for the vomit cleaning or the putting kids to bed - I dry heaved for the next 20 minutes as I cleaned the carseat.

Friday, June 2

5K is a LOT of ppl

We got news that Sun is going to layoff 5000 people by fall. We are a company of about 37,000, so it's roughly 13% of the organization. The CMO who I fall underneath sent a communication that my group would indeed be impacted by this change. It's an uncomfortable time - I could be effected by this change which is quite unsettling to think about. If I am not the one it will likely be a friend of mine. We're praying that it is not me, and that Sun does not have to make any more drastic changes like this. The ripple effect is so significant...

Thursday, June 1

Cherry Tomatoes or Humps

My friend Jen calls her husbands butt his cherry tomatoes. Reilly patted me on the butt yesterday and remarked "Mom, I felt your humps".