Soccer... at last...
I played indoor soccer with Shad on Tuesday, it was great. It felt so good to be back running around. But my abs and my quads hurt so bad.
Mother of the Year is the cyber baby book. I don't make or take the time to keep one of these hardback cutesy Hallmark things, so I take a few minutes each week to update "MOTY". I am learning how to be a full-time Mom, a full-time marketer and a full-time wife all while still being true to me. Oh, it will be a fun ride!
I played indoor soccer with Shad on Tuesday, it was great. It felt so good to be back running around. But my abs and my quads hurt so bad.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
We took Reilly and Kate hiking at Gap Mountain on Sunday. Reilly hiked on his own and Shad carried Kate in the Baby Bjorn. This was the first activity I had done that was more than 30 minutes since Kate was born. (It had been 15 days since she was brought into THIS world. :-))
Reilly did a great job hiking - he walked all by himself. It was a single track trail with lots of roots and rocks. Reilly wanted to jump off every rock - so it took a long time to hike the little that we did.
When we got back to the car - we changed the kids. We decided to let Reilly "air out" since we were the only ones there. Shortly after that while Shad and I were cleaning up and putting away stuff - Reilly went over to Shad and said "Look what I made". Shad went over to see the little poops that Reilly left in the woods. Reilly was SO proud.
It was a big day - for everyone.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
We welcomed Baby Kate into the world today. She is healthy and 6lbs 11ozs, 19.5 inches long. She is beautiful and looks just like her brother. :-)
My delivery was great compared to Reilly's. Karen, our midwife was excellent and really made it a good experience for both Shad and me.
We're so happy that our family has been blessed with a little girl.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen