Gone but not forgotten...
So, if you're ever 7 months pregnant and you lose something credit card size or smaller, be sure to check above your stomach and below your chest. It can often be found in that newly created crevasse.
Mother of the Year is the cyber baby book. I don't make or take the time to keep one of these hardback cutesy Hallmark things, so I take a few minutes each week to update "MOTY". I am learning how to be a full-time Mom, a full-time marketer and a full-time wife all while still being true to me. Oh, it will be a fun ride!
So, if you're ever 7 months pregnant and you lose something credit card size or smaller, be sure to check above your stomach and below your chest. It can often be found in that newly created crevasse.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
It was 6am when Reilly started saying "Daddy, I want some more juice". Shad was getting ready to leave for work and brought Reilly up a cup of 'juice'. Reilly pushed the cup away and said "no, no, no... I want a smoothie". Shad told Reilly he had made him a smoothie and he could have it when he woke up. Reilly said, "Dad, I did wake up".
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Reilly had a tough night last night. I think he's cutting teeth. Poor guy, he's so far behind his peers in this area that I think he's more aware of the pain. I think when you teeth and have the ability to communicate it's a double edge sword. You can identify what hurts and it hurts whereas when you're six months old, it's one of a few things that you can identify as an area that would cause discomfort.
Well, anyway the waffle didn't sound good for breakfast this morning so Reilly pleaded for chicken nuggets and ketchup. ICK. He had a fruit smoothie and nuggets. Since he protested so dramatically I figured it was a battle not worth fighting this time. I don't think I would have won.
Until Next time....
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
I would leave Reilly in the crib forever if I didn't need to pull him out to make room for Baby Pickles. I think his crib is his comfort zone - as well as ours. We pulled the side off it the other day to make it into a toddler bed and Reilly had a meltdown. He actually hit Shad and yelled at him. That was a nice family moment - one we will treasure forever.
Posted by
Betsy Hansen
Shad and I have been asking Reilly for months if he wants to have a baby - the response is always the same - an emphatic NO. Call it daycare and his classmates having siblings, or just him "coming around", last week he must have had an epiphany. When asked if he wanted a sibling he said yes. When asked what he wanted to name it, he replied with "Reilly, I want a Reilly". When asked if he wanted a boy or girl he replied with "a girl, Baby Pickles". So this child that is kicking me on a regular basis has a new name "Pickles". Thanks for that Reilly!
Posted by
Betsy Hansen